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Es werden Posts vom 2016 angezeigt.

LIVE Stream: Obama First Press Conference Since Donald Trump Election

OpenBook LP

BREXIT,Black Friday?

Britain Exit. Britain  Exit, is working for the good, until now....  moves( DAX +2%, Dow +1%, S&P500 +1%),  causing Higher  Volatility in The  Economic  and  Financial World. It is not an  Anormal move yet,  But  when  the News comes  out, we, will see, if it will not work, like a  Trigger, to  Push the Markets,  or to correct them. If Britain exits the EU, the reaction will be probably  negatively  strong.   The ECB  and all other central Banks of the world took  precautions for what ever it comes. If Britain Stays in the EU, the reaction will be Positive , it will  work like Viagra for the Economy and Financial  World Wide.  This is the idea that i get from the news and others media. FACT: Britain Exit,  The  pound   will drop massively.  And all the index will probably suffer, wich means, a negative  im...

The Night That Changed Germany's Attitude To Refugees

Germany: Counter-protesters detained as nationalists march through Berlin

Italy: Tear gas used, arrests made at pro-refugee protest on Brenner Pass